
The IASBS is divided into the following international districts. Click the links below to see district activities.

District Offices:
Membership dues and questions should be directed to the office in which you live.

Japan District
Mr. Tomomasa Teramoto
Ryukoku University Seta Campus
c/o Prof. Mitsuya Dake Office
1-5 Yokotani
Ohe (Seta Ohtsu), Shiga
Japan 520-2194
Email: dake@world.ryukoku.ac.jp

Hawaii District
Mr. Kevin Kuniyuki
Buddhist Study Center
1436 University Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A.
Email: bscdir@hawaii.rr.com

North American District
Dr. Scott Mitchell
Institute of Buddhist Studies
2140 Durant Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704
Email: scott@shin-ibs.edu

See activities of the North America District.

European District
Dr. Kenneth Mullen
Section on Psychological Medicine,
Division of Community-based Sciences Garnavel Royal Hospital,
1055 Great Western Road
Glasgow, G12 0XH, U.K.
Email: Kenneth.Mullen@glasgow.ac.uk

South American District
Ms. Angela Andrade
Rua Lopes Quintas 120/110 Bl.01
Jardim Botanico – 22460
Rio de Janeiro – R.J., Brasil
Email: angelafandrade11@gmail.com

Oceania and East Asia District
Mr. John Paraskevopoulos
PO Box 3944
Manuka ACT 2603
Email: paraskevopoulos@mail.com